There is nothing like waking up and going for an early morning hike in Santa Barbara! Here I am again playing around with my new fisheye lens at the top of inspiration point. I love this place!
Malibu was AMAZING today! My good friend Naomi let me use her Malibu cliff house for my fashion shoot with model Rob Radwill. I busted out my new fish eye to take my own portrait. Another model was scheduled to attend the shoot however she canceled on me this morning...I guess that's how this business goes.
Yet another fanstic photo shoot on the beach!! Sondra and Spencer were my models. Both are friends of mine and just so happen to be a couple. They are one good lookin couple! I even got Sondra behind the camera to take a picture of me in action...
My own philosophy on life has always been reflected in my photography. Photography is not a simple mirror image of people and their lives. Photography has the power to turn fantasy into reality and forces new thoughts and ideas. Oscar Wilde once said that “Life imitates art, far more than art imitates life”, and I think he was right. It is my passion to enrich the lives of others through my own art of photography, and to allow people to capture their lives in a way that fuels their imagination and their dreams.